Friday blog rescue: Ethics, parenting and war

Today’s blog rescue comes from Katy Culver’s J 401 course, “In-depth multimedia reporting,” where she challenges her students to consider a different case of media ethics than the one the campus has been discussing this week:

Check out this four-part series from Journal Sentinel Managing Editor (and J-School alum) George Stanley.

Gone, our peaceful world – JSOnline.

And ponder this critique of the work.

What are the limits of “objective reporting,” as we’ve discussed in class? Many people argue that transparency is a solution. Let the audience in on your biases and predispositions, and you’ll move a lot farther toward fair reporting. Do you agree?  Does Stanley do this? Does Murphy do it in his response?

How is the piece reported and written overall? Check out the multimedia stripped down the left rail. Do they add to the story? Are they integrated? Do the personal connections add to the story or detract? What different choices might you have made if you were given this same assignment.